
Running a batch script via Dell Kace.

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I am try to run the script as shown below. Basically what it does is that it will copy java properties file to user's c drive and run java silent installation via UNC path as shown below. It does not work. But the strange thing is that if I run the batch file locally on my computer it works perfectly fine. I had done similar things such as installing font via VBS using wscript command in my batch script. It works fine. But it does not work for this??? Strange isn't it? I run the batch file using a domain account which has rights to install and retrieve files from shared folder.

xcopy "\\\Java\installjavaconfig.properties" "C:\" /Y
"\\\Java\jre-8u65-windows-i586.exe" INSTALLCFG="C:\installjavaconfig.properties"


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Answers (2)

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 9 years ago
Red Belt
It could be that java needs to have access to a valid locallow directory (found in an active profile) when you run the script as your domain user it does not open a profile.  use an mi distribution by zipping both the config and exe up together and add that to the software item.  BTW java8u66 will be out shortly


Posted by: tech@chch.org 9 years ago
Yellow Belt
Can you export the batch file to a log:  javainstall >c:\logs\javainstall.log
This would show you where it is failing.  You could also check the logs on the Kace for the script.  

Go to Inventory, machine name.  Scroll down to logs and then to scripting logs.  

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