
Running SPSS silent Kace

Has anybody successfully run SPSS 26 for Mac successfully through Kace scripting.  What I was looking to do was zip the files, upload as a dependency and either run it through distribution or use shell scripting.  I have had no luck by receiving file not found error.  Anybody have any ideas on how to run?  

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Answers (1)

Posted by: chucksteel 4 years ago
Red Belt

We generally build a package using Packages (http://s.sudre.free.fr/Software/Packages/about.html) and then place that in a dmg image. When you upload a dmg to a managed install the KACE client will mount it and install any packages it finds as the default install method.

You can also place all of the files in a dmg along with your install script and override the default installation with the name of the script. Make sure you set the script to be executable.

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