SCCM Task Sequence big packages taking hours to complete
I have an issue with a task sequence when building computers , the .wim and driver pack are taking hours to deploy during the build. I have re-distributed them all good and chcked the internal speed of the remote DP. This ame task sequence works normally on all other distribution points. I ahve checked the dp settings and they are the same as others and boundaries are all good. Any help or advice would be much appreciated.
Answers (1)
It could be the software's fault as well. How many software are getting installed in that TS apart from drivers?
Some software like Matlab takes hours to install. Granted that it is a large software but I have seen some larger software getting installed under an hour.
How long does the basic image take to install?
DistMgr.log & PkgXferMgr.log - Maidens 5 years ago
1- Peer cache source
2- DP in the current boundary group
3- DP in the neighbour Boundary group.
You could try removing the boundary and recreating? - Maidens 5 years ago