
Script silent deployment of Trinity Maths (http://www.estarters.com/)

Hi there
I am currently setting up a deployment share on MDT2012 for silent deployment of all apps (scripted) I am very new to scripting and having issues with Trinity Maths.

I have a script setup, but once run it gives you a prompt of which version of Microsoft Office you want to install for (1. Office 97 - 2003 or 2. Office 2007). Its obviously an old app but something that our Maths staff want to use. I want the script just to select the 2007 option and then proceed silently.

How to I make my script run and point to the correct folder for a silent deployment, below is my script so far and attached a screen snip of the folder structure:


"%~dp0install.exe" \excel2007 /S
:: Return exit code to SCCM
exit /B %EXIT_CODE%

Any help / ideas much appreciated, regards

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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: rickypike999 10 years ago
White Belt
I couldn't find any documentation anywhere, however have sorted now, I created a script within the Excel 2007 directory that pointed to an MSI within this folder and now have it deploying silently without any issues (The other folder and loose files including the .exe weren't required. 
Posted by: EdT 10 years ago
Red Belt
Is there any vendor documentation which might give you a clue as to command line options for install.exe ?   Have you tried running install.exe /? from a command prompt to see if it displays any command options?
Does the EXE unpack an MSI file which you could then set the defaults on?

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