
SDA Deployment Information field

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We are trying to create smart labels based on the information provided by the SDA Deployment Information field.

However, it is complicated based on time as the timestamp shows "UTC."  Can this be changed to our local "HST"?

I was able to work around this "inconvenience," but just curious if that is possible or is even an option at either SMA or SDA level.


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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: Channeler 3 years ago
Red Belt

The time is always printed in 00:00 UTC.

Unfortunately, that is a fixed text file generated by the SDA database.
SDA customers, tend to have many RSAs (Remote Site Appliances), for the purpose of imaging devices in different states or countries.

I believe the KACE SDA uses this fixed format, to avoid confusion.

To me it's easier like that, I can always know when it was imaged, if you're familiar with the conversion.

So if you're in New York, you just need to subtract 5 hours from it.
Minus 6 hours for Chicago....
Minus 8 hours for Los Angeles....

and so on.

But it's a good request for:

it's a site monitored by KACE's R&D.

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