
Set default browser as Edge and set homepage as a website that needs to run in IE Emulation mode

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Hi All,

Have a bit of a tricky one, we use a piece of software that only works fully with IE (still working on upgrading it) so currently we have everyones default browser set to IE.

But this is causing issues with download links etc not working as dropbox no longer supports IE.

So as a workaround I have tested running the website in question in Edge - IE Emulation mode and it works well, so was considering rolling this out via GP, but think KACE would be easier as we have a lot of remote workers that dont connect to vpn very often.

Just checking if anyone has done this via kace before? (i.e. set default browser and set homepage to a site that runs in IE emulation mode)

Thanks All

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • Sorry but when you say using Kace - do you mean DA? - Mashby1 3 years ago

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