ShellCommandTextReturn question about .rtf's
I have a few custom inventory rules setup already so I know how to make them, and they all pull txt files. I have a need to pull an rtf file instead for one item - does anyone know if this is possible or how to do so if it is?
I did try and have had no luck with it. ShellCommandTextReturn (cmd.exe /c type C:\kbox\Shares.rtf) This is really just for an annoyance that exists with txt fikles and their lack of formating. This rtf has some formatting applied which allows the admin an easier read of the files. I can certainly make this file a txt file again, and lose my formatting, but I figured I would ask here first to see if anyone has a solution.
Answers (1)
The ShellCommandTextReturn will only return plain text. We have a couple of CI's that return pre-fomatted text from a PowerShell command that don't show up correctly. The problem is that the HTML engine ignores any extra whitespace and just puts a single space. I even tried to insert HTML code into the output, but all I got was a raw output of the HTML code. What would be nice is if they would enclose the output of ShellCommandTextReturn in the PRE tag so the output shows up exactly as formatted by whatever command we're using.