Shortcut not working in the win7
hi i am having the application and the shortcut is not working in the win 7 and working for win Xp.
And in the Win 7 If we run this shortcut as RunAs Admin then the shortcut will works fine.For that i have taken gap capture and found out some registry keys that doesnt help.And i had used some shims RunAsAdmin ,ForceAdminAccess,RunAsHighest and tried that also doesnt helped me.After applying the shims if we launch the shortcut in the Admin for the first time it works fine in the User also fot ther second launch.If we launch the shortcut directly i n the user for the first time after applying shims it will promp the error.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Answers (4)
I think it would help us a lot if u can share some more details.
Which App, is the UAC activated, check with Procmon for any denied file access with the standard user ec.
Its a ProVal application and version is 3.35 .The installer is an Msi and i have taken Procmon it is showing only one registrys as accessdenied and that registrys are not in the package.The registrys showing in the procmon are HKCR.So i have taken it and updated in the package.Then also it is not working. Its in HKCR\CLSID
PLS SUGGEST - hispeed 12 years ago
please be more detailed...
Can you start the Application directly , by clicking the exe?
Where is the exe located? (ProgramFiles?)
Is the Installer a MSI?
Application is an msi
The shortcut mapped exe is located in the ProgramFiles(x86). I am using 64 bit win 7.
Is this issue can be solved by using shims? - hispeed 12 years ago
So, we we understand it correctly, normal user can launch it after an admin started the app? Must be some kind of permisson thing, user can launch the exe direclty as jaybee96 asked?
No if the user launches the .exe file it wont work. i have given full permission to installdir hklm registries - hispeed 12 years ago