Silent installation of Cisco security manager client 4.17 keeps running in SCCM
Hey guys,
I don't know what to do with my issue :
I'm trying to deploy Cisco Security Manager Client 4.17 using a slient installation in SCCM
I'm using a -i silent command with a response file I created before using -r command (Cisco security manager client 4.17 uses an InstallAnywhere).
When I try to run manually the sccm package, it seems to take long to deploy but still it succeeds, in sccm it keeps running the installation and according to the package logs, the installation operation never end although the installation seems to be done (shortcuts are created and functionnal)
Any Idea ?
The command is CSMCkuebtSetup.exe -i Silent -f
Installer properties is :
# Fri Nov 23 14:11:10 EST 2018
# Replay feature output
# ---------------------
# This file was built by the Replay feature of InstallAnywhere.
# It contains variables that were set by Panels, Consoles or Custom Code.
#Installation Location
USER_INSTALL_DIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Cisco Systems\\Cisco Security Manager Client
-fileOverwrite_C\:\\Program\ Files\ (x86)\\Cisco\ Systems\\Cisco\ Security\ Manager\ Client\\Uninstall_Cisco\ Security\ Manager\ Client\\Uninstall\ Cisco\ Security\ Manager\ Client\
-fileOverwrite_C\:\\Program\ Files\ (x86)\\Cisco\ Systems\\Cisco\ Security\ Manager\ Client\\Uninstall_Cisco\ Security\ Manager\ Client\\resource\\iawin32.dll=Yes
-fileOverwrite_C\:\\Program\ Files\ (x86)\\Cisco\ Systems\\Cisco\ Security\ Manager\ Client\\Uninstall_Cisco\ Security\ Manager\ Client\\resource\\win64_32_x64.exe=Yes
-fileOverwrite_C\:\\Program\ Files\ (x86)\\Cisco\ Systems\\Cisco\ Security\ Manager\ Client\\Uninstall_Cisco\ Security\ Manager\ Client\\resource\\remove.exe=Yes
-fileOverwrite_C\:\\Program\ Files\ (x86)\\Cisco\ Systems\\Cisco\ Security\ Manager\ Client\\Uninstall_Cisco\ Security\ Manager\ Client\\resource\\invoker.exe=Yes
-fileOverwrite_C\:\\Program\ Files\ (x86)\\Cisco\ Systems\\Cisco\ Security\ Manager\ Client\\csm-desktop-
Thanks for your help folks.
Answers (1)
Top Answer
I think you might have facepalm'd it.
Check list
- Try to install it from command line with your silent switches, if you check with SYSTEM creds, even better.
Works? Cool, no need to do anything here, as you know the package (installer with switches) works fine. - Setup and deploy from SCCM, presume this is a SCCM 'Application' package? Should be, the SCCM 'Package' type is old school and you should be away from it - Im not bagging it, it still has uses.
Right SCCM 'Application' Package added and you have a live deployment.
Deploys OK to target machine form SCCM (ie, the app is installed and you have shortcuts etc)?
-Yes, great! Move on
-No, something wrong with deployment, check that the app can install OK with SYSTEM account, use psexec.exe -i -s cmd.exe to check installing from SYSTEM is ok. - Check Software Center, to confirmed that is Installed.
Most people fall over at this point, you need to confirm SCCM thinks its installed, otherwise it will just keep installing over and over again - which is what I think is happening.
In the SCCM console, check that your SCCM 'Application' Detection method used. Whatever detection method you use, file, registry etc, make sure its valid - watch out for bitness detection issues as well (think registry detection and SYSWOW)
For further debugging, use CMTRACE.exe (free) to view the (computer target/client) AppEnfore logs, you be able to see if the ConfigMgr agent is going around in circles or not.
Two logs you mostly look at for ConfigMgr is on the client machine (computer receiving the software) is
- AppEnfore
- AppDisocvery
Good luck and happy turkey weekend!
Thank you very much Rileyz for your reply. To answer you :I was using the package category in SCCM (Like it's used where in the company I work for) and I tried using applications and it worked using registry detection method.
I made lots of packages that worked but here, it kept beeing in "Installing" status in the software center. Maybe because of the installer itself (InstallAnywhere)
Thank you so much for your help, now I need to tell my client we need to deploy it as Application :P - Narwo 6 years ago