
Adobe FrameMaker 10 Silent Uninstall?

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hi guys,

does anyone know how to silently uninstall framemaker 10?

i have deployed this app using the recommended deployment file.

adobe's uninstall cmd fails to uninstall silently all the time with an exit code 7.

i have looked on the adobe site for a solution for this and they have recommended running

cs5 cleanup tool to delete the guids and then manually deleting files and registry keys.

has anybody come accross this problem, the cleanup tool requires user interactions which is not ideal

as i need to unisntall silently?

my operating system is xp sp3


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Answers (1)

Posted by: dunnpy 12 years ago
Red Belt

What does the uninstall command in Add/Remove Programs run?

You can check this by looking at the registry - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\<GUID for Product, or Product Name>

See if you can add some silent switches to the command line to enable a silent uninstall.



  • The uninstall string is not very helpful it uses pdap.exe in %common files%\adobe\oodbe\pdapp\core\
    which there is no switches to make it a silent uninstall.

    i have found the solution myself,

    uninstall command:
    set-up.exe --mode=silent --deployment=&lt;uninstall.xml from deploy folder&gt; --action=uninstall
    this removes framemaker and the framemaker language pack.

    you will then need to uninstall remaining msi's installed by adobe. - whit3clouD 12 years ago
    • Hi
      I need silent switches to install framemaker12,
      thanks - praveenvatti 10 years ago

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