Discovered Software Location
Our company has been having an ongoing issue with fully understanding the Discovered Software/Software Catalog inside of KACE. KACE has two software tabs: Software and Software Catalog. Specifically, the issue we are having is with software versions. Our users use Chrome, Firefox, and Edge web browsers. In the software tab in KACE, it appears as if these applications are up-to-date and the updates we are pushing out are working. However, in the software catalog, it shows a handful of devices that have older versions still installed, despite confirming that these older versions are not running on the user's devices.
I understand that it is possible that older executables or registry keys could be buried somewhere in these devices, and that is what KACE is discovering. The problem is, I have not found an easy way to determine how to uninstall/remove these older versions from user devices if this is the case. The easiest way for me to fix this would be if KACE had a way to tell me the file path/location of where it is detecting these older versions. That way I could manually path into those devices, locate, and delete them. KACE does not seem to report this information, though.
I am open to any suggestions from the community. What would you do in this situation? Or does KACE have a way of telling me where I can find and remove this discovered software?
Thank you!
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