Silent Uninstall of Lotus Notes
We are moving away from Lotus Notes 8.5.2
I have a silent install setup, but I have not been able to get an uninstall to work at all.
There does not seem to be much for information on Notes here on IT Ninja from what I can find but any help with this would be greatly appreciated
Answers (5)
For the record, this is what I found to work. I extracted the exe and rezipped the files as there seemed to be a problem in the process of switching from unpackaging the exe to using the msi. I renamed the msi to notes.exe for simplicity. Command used below. msiexec /x notes.msi /qn I also wrote this batch script to delete the notes use folder in app data. Script works for XP and 7. @echo off IF EXIST "C:\Documents and Settings\" PUSHD "C:\Documents and Settings\" IF EXIST "C:\Users\" PUSHD "C:\Users\" FOR /F "tokens=*" %%G in ('dir /a:d-s-h /b') do ( IF EXIST "%%G\Local Settings\Application Data\Lotus" rmdir /q /s "%%G\Local Settings\Application Data\Lotus" IF EXIST "%%G\AppData\Local\Lotus" rmdir /q /s "%%G\AppData\Local\Lotus" ) POPD
Kill notes using the following script and then run uninstall command msiexec /x "{ProductCode}" /qb!
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Dim WshShell, objFSO, ProgramFiles, LocalAppData, SF_NotesIni, SF_NSDExe, TerminateNotes
Set WshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set SF_NotesIni=objFSO.GetFile(LocalAppData & "\Lotus\Notes\Data\notes.ini")
Set SF_NSDExe=objFSO.GetFile(ProgramFiles & "\IBM\Lotus\Notes\nsd.exe")
TerminateNotes = WshShell.Run (SF_NSDExe & " " & "-kill -nolog -ini" & " " & SF_NotesIni ,0,True)
Set WshShell = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
Set SF_NotesIni= Nothing
Set SF_NSDExe= Nothing
We just completed a migration from Notes to Google Apps, and I used Manged Installs to uninstall Notes from client PCs. See my screenshot for how it was setup.
The command for Notes 8.5.2 for the MI is:
MsiExec.exe /X{07C69B3A-62B3-41BF-82EE-B3A87BD6EA0C} /quiet /norestart
You can set this up to uninstall inside of a particular window, or uninstall on check-in. One thing to keep in mind: this removes the client, but the program data files (the Notes ID, contacts, etc) are retained.
You can uninstall Notes silently from a Microsoft® Windows® client.
- Ensure that Notes is not running.
- Open a command prompt window.
- Change to the directory in which the installation package uninstaller resides or specify the full path to the MSI file.
- Run the uninstall command. A sample syntax is shown below:
msiexec /x "Lotus Notes 8.0.1.msi" /qn
You can uninstall Notes silently from a Linux® client.
- Ensure that Notes is not running.
- Open a Linux shell.
- Change to the directory in which the uninstaller resides or specify the full path to the uninstaller.
- As the root user, run the following command to silently uninstall Notes.
<install_dir>/uninstaller.bin -silent
Kill notes using the following script and then run uninstall command msiexec /x "{ProductCode}" /qb!
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Dim WshShell, objFSO, ProgramFiles, LocalAppData, SF_NotesIni, SF_NSDExe, TerminateNotes
Set WshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set SF_NotesIni=objFSO.GetFile(LocalAppData & "\Lotus\Notes\Data\notes.ini")
Set SF_NSDExe=objFSO.GetFile(ProgramFiles & "\IBM\Lotus\Notes\nsd.exe")
TerminateNotes = WshShell.Run (SF_NSDExe & " " & "-kill -nolog -ini" & " " & SF_NotesIni ,0,True)
Set WshShell = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
Set SF_NotesIni= Nothing
Set SF_NSDExe= Nothing
WScript.Quit - jagadeish 12 years ago