Silently Deploy An Adobe Air Application
I'm looking to silently deploy an Adobe Air application. If anyone has a working example they could provide me with I would greatly appreciate it. I've tried the various resources online from Adobe and others but haven't had any luck - so just a proven working example please.
You need to be more specific with your question. For example: which part doesn't work, the silent deployment or any deployment? What have you tried so far? What does a verbose log tell you? Etc., etc. - anonymous_9363 10 years ago
Answers (2)
Use the file:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer.exe
Use the following switches:
-silent -euleAccepted -programMenu "Full path to .air file"
This swill silently install an air application (atleast this is what i use for WiMP, a norwegian music streaming service).
Silently updating an air application is more complex and might be dependent on the application.
To give you an idea:
$Install = Start-Process -filepath "$AirInstaller" -ArgumentList "-runtime ""$CommonFiles"" -update -silent ""$WiMPFolder\WiMP.exe"" ""$env:TEMP\WiMP.air"" $VersionShort" -Wait -Passthru -WindowStyle Hidden
$Commonfiles points to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common files
$VersionShort is the version number, can be fetched from the update.xml file that probably resides somewhere on the vendors website.
The other path points to the Air application executable, the last one points to the latest version of the .air file.
Thanks - I am trying to update an existing application. I'll try your example and see where I get... - jegolf 10 years ago
To show you an example of an update.xml file:
I found the URL by snooping around inside the .air file
If you script it correctly you can make an updater that fetches the latest version from web and does everything for the user. - Ifan 10 years ago
We use a script and a program called Ninite. Ninite installs the latest version of Java, Flash, Flash for IE, Java 6, Silverlight, VLC, Quicktime, Air, Shockwave, Adobe Reader, Chrome and .Net 4. It then removes all of the shortcuts from the desktop and disables the autoupdates of each program.
If exist c:\windows\niniteone.exe GOTO :NiniteNet use p: /delete /ynet use p: \\(server name)\Deploy$\Softwarep:cd Ninitecopy NiniteOne.exe c:\windows\ /y :Ninitecd c:\cd \windowsstart /wait NiniteOne.exe /select Java Flash "Flash (IE)" "Java 6" Silverlight VLC QuickTime Air Shockwave Reader Chrome ".NET 4" /disableshortcuts /disableautoupdate /allusers /silent :Cleanupnet use p: /delete /y :Shutdownshutdown.exe -s -t 10
Doesn't answer the question at all. Also, i think ninite requires a paid license for enterprise use. - Ifan 10 years ago