
Single package in SCCM 2007 to uninstall any version of MS office

I have assigned a task to uninstall the MS office from all the client systems. I searched for command line & found command as “<Setup location>\setup.exe /uninstall <product ID>”.  Now the situation is that I have multiple versions of MS office installed across all my client systems. So I have some questions as bellow, need you help into this ……………..

  1. If multiple version available on the client, is there any variable available (Which can be used in place of Product ID) to uninstall any product of MS office installed
  2. Do we have to use a separate package for all the respective MS office versions to uninstall or we can use a single uninstall package of higher version i.e. MS office 2010.

I want a single MS office uninstall package which can uninstall any version of MS office installed.

Thanks in advance!

Regards satyendra

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Answers (2)

Posted by: jagadeish 12 years ago
Red Belt

Write a VBScript which will uninstall your MS OFFICE from your client system if it exist..

I mean, you have to write a VBScript with following algorithm

If Exist (Version=95) Then
 Uninstall MSOffice 95
ElseIf Exist (Version=97) Then
 Uninstall MSOffice 97
ElseIf Exist (Version=2000) Then
 Uninstall MSOffice 2000
ElseIf Exist (Version=XP) Then
 Uninstall MSOffice XP
ElseIf Exist (Version=2003) Then
 Uninstall MSOffice 2003
ElseIf Exist (Version=2007) Then
 Uninstall MSOffice 2007
ElseIf Exist (Version=2010) Then
 Uninstall MSOffice 2010
End If

Posted by: vjay 9 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
MSOffice 95 , MSOffice 97, MSOffice 2000, MSOffice XP and  MSOffice 2003 are not supporting any new OSversion of windows from vista onwards. consider only MSOffice 2007, MSOffice 2010 and MSOffice 2013 these versions. 
Make a vbscript, implement conditions if exist these version of MS Office  and unistall with offscrub.vbs .


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