Single script on managed install
I have a .exe file that needs to be installed followed by a regisrty key to be imported.
the problem is the registry key needs to be imported into the logged on Users registry Key.
I see scripting can import the key using the logged on user but the install will fail as the logged on user in not an administrator of the machine and if i run the script as the system account the installer will install but not import the key into the users regisrty key.
How can i get around this in a single script? or can it be done in a single managed install?
Answers (3)
It can be done with an MI and a script in a task chain.
First the MI is running with local system credentials and then the script as Logged-in User.
To do both in one MI or one Script is posible but not such easy as a task chain rollout.
Thats Sounds Great, Thanks.
But how do i link the MI with the Script i a Task Chain? - markc0 4 years ago-
1. Create a MI with your .exe
2. Create a Script with Windows Run as -> Logged-In User and your Regkey you will set
3. Create an Task Chain with two Tasks -> first Task is your MI and Second Task is your Script.
You dont have to link the MI and the Script directly. The Task Chain will run all Tasks sequential - Gerhart 4 years ago-
Thanks, however im stuck on creating the Task Sequence. I created the task Sequence and the first task is a MI (although it does not say which MI) and the second task is the script. However it can not find the script i created , i type in the name or copy the script name into the field and it says script not found. - markc0 4 years ago
if your script is not present in Task chain then maybe the script is not "enabled". Only enabled Scripts will show up in Task chain - Gerhart 4 years ago
The Script is Enabled and is a Online Kscript. i cant see whats the difference between this and another that is there present in the Task Chain - markc0 4 years ago
I have now changed the Script to run a batch file and now its being seen in the Task Squence, however how does it know what MI to run ? - markc0 4 years ago
I do not understand the question. In Task 1 the program is carried out via the MI. Task 2 then executes the script which enters the corresponding RegKey for the program (which was installed in step 1) into the registry. - Gerhart 4 years ago
In these cases I generally employ a script that will load the required key into all of the current profiles on the machine, as well as the default user profile. Here is an example:
@echo off
rem This script will turn off the PowerPoint 2013 Presenter Mode Setting for all users
echo Updating default user profile
reg load HKU\Def c:\users\default\ntuser.dat
regedit /s settings.reg
reg unload HKU\Def
for /D %%u in (\Users\*) do (
echo Updating options for %%u
reg load HKU\Def %%u\ntuser.dat
regedit /s settings.reg
reg unload HKU\Def
echo All Done here
The script loads the registry hives as HKEY_USERS\Def so the settings.reg file needs to have the registry keys formatted to load to that key, e.g.:
This would be part of a script that installs the application and the loads in the registry keys. If using a MI I would set it to run with user logged out, otherwise the registry hive for the logged in user might fail to load.