K1000 Smart Label and rule to escalate ticket based on users
We have a group of users in management that expect immediate support when they have any issues. Is it possible to set a smart labe group to include them, then if a ticket is entered that has any of these members it is automatically upgraded to high priority and a notification e-mail is sent to the IT team every hour the ticket isn't resolved. I was able to set a rule using my name to upgrade the ticket priority, but we don't want to have to enter each user's name into the custom rule and would rather use a smart label. I'm new to this KACE unit so just trying to figure things out.
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http://www.itninja.com/question/email-ticket-owners-label-on-new-unassigned-ticket should give you some ideas. I have labels of users emailed when a ticket is created or transferred into given queues. You can likely extract the label bits for your needs. - grayematter 11 years ago
should give you some hints on how to use labels in ticket rule notifications - grayematter 11 years ago
This is exactly what I need Clausent, were you ever able to make it work? - tramiksim 7 years ago
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