SmartSketch silent uninstall is not working
Hi all,
I'm not able to create a silent uninstall fro SmartSketch v. 5 .
I created a silent install using an answer file, but I cannot uninstall it silently. The switch I found is setup.exe -uninst -s but in this case a popup message appear asking if I realy want to uninstall it. I also tried to use an answer file to uninstall it but it doesn't work.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
Answers (3)
If you know where the msi setup.exe used to install from is, try. (Usually in that programs directory or in C:\Windows\Installer)
start /wait msiexec /x the_msi_name.msi /passive
or do a regedit and navigate to: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
search for SmartSketch or InterGraph, find the key set for that software and look at the key "UninstallString" and call that
start /wait msiexec /x {212ED557-7453-44C1-AE9C-3DA780B9B3C6} /passive
I have already tried to find this key under uninstall but it doesn't exist. I created a VBScript to catch the message and to automatically press yes. - sandula001 12 years ago
Yea some solutions may not always be the best but if it works, use it and move on to the next problem. - SMal.tmcc 12 years ago
In these cases I usually try to extract the underlying MSI (if there is one) or repackage the EXE to an MSI using your favourite snapshot tool.
There are developers out there that throw these stupid pop-up questions out there (don't ask me why) that totally mess up silent installs/uninstalls. Most of the times, it's not the installer it self, but some function inside the exe. It's not captured by the response-file, so that won't work. In order for a response file to work, I guess you need a script alongside the uninstaller, waiting for the pop-up to appear and kill it.
that's when we turn to this program - SMal.tmcc 12 years ago -
>that's when we turn to this program
Not if one is an experienced packager one doesn't. No disrespect, but we do the job properly not via an enormous kludge. - anonymous_9363 12 years ago -
Hey I am an image expert first, normally I install everything in my masters and do not need to create packages. Also just remember you do not know the skill set of the people asking these questions so you need to answer for all levels of expertise. - SMal.tmcc 12 years ago
You have to use a recorded uninstall answer file.
I tried, it is not working. Instead I used a script to catch the window and to press yes in automatically - sandula001 12 years ago