Software Installation via KACE
Hi Team,
Is there some trigger or option that specifies that software is only installed once then never attempted again?
We have a piece of software we wish to have on all desktop machines, which will be installed however if one of the machines has to be re-deployed we want the system to push the software back out to the machine.
Is this possible?
Answers (2)
Nico and JKnox both assisted excellently in this query. I am using a custom inventory string now to deploy and have setup separate uninstall tasks.
yes, and this is a main function of the KBox.
Assign the software to a label and all machines who are in need of the software and it will be rolled out by default if the box is checking in.
If you use a K2000 too you may also deploy the questioned software there but I suggest to do this via K1000. (you don't need to manage two installations)
This is also a main discussion theme in an usual jump start session
Hi Nico,
Thanks for that however the software seems to keep re-installing if we force an inventory update. Is this normal? - cdalley 11 years ago-
If it's a managed install, you need to give it a custom inventory rule. If it's a script, you need to give it a verify step. - jknox 11 years ago
Hi Team,
Thanks Jknox.
Would this custom inventory rule work then to allow Flash Player to install if they don't have flash installed or have a version older than 11.7.700.169?
RegistryValueLessThan(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Macromedia\FlashPlayerActiveX, Version, 11.7.700.169)
Cheers - cdalley 11 years ago
Anyone else have a response? The above doesn't seem to work for me. Cheers. - cdalley 11 years ago
How is the managed install set up? For example are you using a smart label at all and does the PC show the new version of Flash in KACE? - tekCTRL 11 years ago
Hi tekCTRL, I am just using a specific computer name to push the software to. The machines in question will either have an older or no flash player installed (hence the custom inventory rule, however I may be interpreting how it is utilised)
Inventory - Software: Flash Player
Supported OS: 7-32, 7-64, XP
Custom Inventory Rule: RegistryValueLessThan(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Macromedia\FlashPlayerActiveX, Version, 11.7.700.169)
Associated File: the current flash player MSI
Distribution - Managed Installations: Flash Player
Installation Command (Manual): msiexec /i "install_flash_player_11_active_x.msi" /qn
Managed Action: Execute Anytime (next available)
Limit Deployment to Listed Machines: D1021 (my personal PC)
I have had a quick look over Smart Labels, they are interesting are they able to be implemented into this?
I apologise in advance for all of this.
Thanks for the assistance. - cdalley 11 years ago