
Staged application deployment via scripts.

Hello everyone,

I am wrestling with Kace's capabilities in staging an install. (Bluebeam)

The desired process would be:

1. Deploy scripts needed into folder to run, install, uninstall etc.

2. Disable UAC, place script (Phase 2) into startup, restart the machine.

3. Startup/Launch of Phase 2, Run uninstall (Has to run elevated per software vendor), Launch Phase 3, Remove Phase 2 from startup, copy phase 4 into startup, restart.

4. Startup/Launch of Phase 4, Install Software, Launch Phase 5, remove Phase 4 from startup, Enable UAC, Restart.

If using local system, UAC off works, uninstall will work. However, unable to use Startup folder, even public. Receive access denied.

If using logged in user, cannot disable UAC, "Phase" copying into startup works as scripted.

Question: Can KACE stage any more of this? I currently just have KACE initiating, copying the dependencies to a KACE folder, and copying Phase 2 into startup. Can Kace handle restarts and re-launches?

** The old version of the application has to be removed prior to installing the new version.

Our Goal: 

- Deploy so remote users can access on their schedule.

- Keep our hands off the machines if able.

- Keep the users from having to interact with the machine during the process.

- Require restarts for fresh system resources after each stage or phase.

Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated!!!  We are wanting to create this process in KACE to be the plumb line with software deployments in our company going forward.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 5 years ago
Red Belt

If you are on version 9 you can create task chains under "distribution"

  • Started looking into the task chains. Will this allow the machine to pick up at the next script upon reboot? - bkellis 5 years ago
    • Have you been able to find an answer for this? - mlowe 5 years ago
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