
Step-By-Step Instructions to Update the Agents (After Updating K1000)

Our K1000 has been updated to 9.1.317. 

We use GPO to install the agent to our endpoints. I used the KACE GPO provisioning tool to copy the new .MSI to the shared location. Agents are not updating.

Please provide step-by-step instructions to update the agents from 9.0.167 to the new version 9.1.204. I remember jumping through a bunch of hoops and just click-and-try-things last time we had to do this, so it'd be helpful if someone would provide how-to documentation for these updates.

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Answers (2)

Posted by: Nico_K 5 years ago
Red Belt

As described in the Admin Guide:
1. Download the new agent.kbin from the Quest Support Page
2. Go to Settings | Provisioning | Agent update in any Org you want to update
3. Upload the agent.kbin there.
4. Click Enable and All Devices.

You are done.
With the next check in (DO NOT FORCE A CHECK IN ON ALL DEVICES!) the agent is downloaded to the client and installed.
This may need time since only a fistful of clients is updated at the same time.

OPTIONAL: You can also change the GPO with the new agent. 

Posted by: lama01 5 years ago
Brown Belt

Yeah I remember a headache with this to. SETTINGS > PROVISIONING > UPDATE AGENTS this time when I hit APPLY it loaded the correct agent bundled version into the "advertised updates" section. From here you can select "Enabled" and "All Devices" but if you have a large site you might want to slowly push it out using the Labels section. From there, the agent will slowly get pushed out as devices check in. 

Last time it was wacky, a bundle was available and the advertised update was different. So it was mismatched but apparently correct.  

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