
Strange Sync issues with newly built Kace RSA... (Remote server appliance).

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Hi all.

I just built a remote server appliance RSA for a new site.

I have linked the appliance keys successfully,.......

The connections were successful......

So when I synced the SDA to the RSA...i get this notification....(on the SDA)

*** SDA linking key sync to RSA failed ****


Also on the RSA, I have noticed that the "Activation status" is UNKNOWN.


also on the RSA......(as was suggested on another thread)

did a "netcat" test to "service.kace.com" on port "80"..... with no success


I have noticed that a large number of files were synced to the RSA from the SDA.

Disk usage shows this on the RSA....... But I can't help thinking something is wrong.

ANY help as always is appreciated!

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • I know this is an old post, but did you ever find the resolution? I am having a similar issue with my SDA failing to sync linking key to two of my RSA's.

    My testing all shows successful and the ports in the linked answer are open... - shawner47 4 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: Channeler 4 years ago
Red Belt

I believe ports 80, 443 and 22 are needed here.

If netcat fails to contact *kace.com, then the RSA won't be able to connect to the Quest Activation Server.
(RSAs needs to contact KACE Activation Server).

But a License not activated should not prevent you from syncing files.

I would check:
With yout firewall\security Team

Also, right there in Support > Tools, make sure both the SDA and RSA are able to ping each other successfully. (If they are linked via FQDN, use FQDN for the ping test).

Go to Settings > Manage Linked Appliances,  from both ends, and click TEST Connection, make sure it's successful. (this tests HTTP and SSH I think).

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