
Suport for spaces in WSH


I have a script which gets the source path where an exe resides, and then runs that install with some parameters. This is part of that code:

Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

sCurPath = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetAbsolutePathName(".")
WSHShell.run sCurPath & "\AcrobatUpd825_all_incr.msp /passive /norestart" ,1 ,TRUE

This code works fine if the source path retrieved by GetAbsolutePathName(".") has no spaces in it, but if there are spaces the script fails.

I tried adding quotes with this: WSHShell.run Chr(34) & sCurPath & "\AcrobatUpd825_all_incr.msp /passive /norestart" & Chr(34),1 ,TRUE
but the script errors 'The system cant find the file specified."

I also tried: WSHShell.run Chr(34) & sCurPath & Chr(34) & "\AcrobatUpd825_all_incr.msp /passive /norestart",1 ,TRUE
with similar results.

Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Much appreiciated..

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Answers (2)

Posted by: murali.bhat 14 years ago
Purple Belt
You need to add Chr(34) to the path of the file which you are running. Pass the parameter in the quotes.

WSHShell.run Chr(34) & sCurPath & "\AcrobatUpd825_all_incr.msp" & Chr(34) & " /passive /norestart",1 ,TRUE
Posted by: krpa 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Thanks Murali

That worked nicely!
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