
Ticket Rule: Is there a way to use ticket rule to approve the ticket without sending to the approver?

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We have a purchase queue, the ticket is opened after the manager approves the purchase from DocuSign. The Approver field in queue is for information and sending the approver manage updates on the purchase process. Does anyone know how to use ticket rule to approve the ticket  after the approver is added without the approver to approve? 

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Hobbsy 4 years ago
Red Belt

Pam, again there are ways to create an approval loop including locking down that only the approver updates the correct field in the ServiceDesk ticket, either using or reworking the built in workflows. I have blogged many times over the years on how we have achieved approval in this way, just look for my content. If this is beyond your capabilities I suggest you reach out for pro services, as this will probably take 2-3 days to complete


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