
Trim in loop


I have c:\test\iplist.txt.

This contains lists of IP Addresses (I've put XXX instead of the numbers):








What's the best way to go through the list and trim the first 5 characters from each line?


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Answers (3)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 17 years ago
Red Belt
- Use the FileSystemObject to open the file
- Use the .ReadAll method to read the file's contents into a string
- Use Split to convert the string into an array, using VBS's built-in vbNewLine constant as the separator for Split
- Do a normal 'For x = LBound(arrTextFile) To UBound(arrTextFile)' to get each element's value
- Use Split again to build the string you require, this time using '.' as the separator. I suggest that rather than Left, Right or Mid because you'll presumably be getting addresses like '' as well as '' i.e. you can't easily tell what 5 characters you want unless you add reams of code to check the length of each address segment.
Posted by: gmorgan618 17 years ago
Blue Belt
This will msgbox each entry with the first 5 characters removed.

' vbCrLf is also a vbs constant - that handles the 'Returns' at the end of each line.

'Setup File system object - of course - my referene to this is oFSO
Dim fileData : fileData = oFSO.ReadAll
Dim arrIPData : arrIPData = Split(fileData, vbCrLf)
Dim strIP '<------------- EDIT ------ OOps forgot to dim this
For Each strIP in arrIPData
Dim StripedIP : StripedIP = ""
If len(strIP) > 5 Then StripedIP = Right(strIP,(len(Trim(strIP)) - 5))

If you need to deal with an unknown ip such as to as VBScab mentions then do this..
For Each strIP in arrIPData
Dim arrIP : arrIP = Split(strIP, ".")

'The desired strip from a full IP -- xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Dim intCharToStrip : intCharToStrip = 6
'Determine if first octet is less than 3 numbers and subtract from number to strip
'since you have an ip of 10.xxx.xxx.xxx - this will set your number to 5
intCharToStrip = intCharToStrip - (3 - len(arrIP(0)))
'Same concept, but will detect if the second octet is not full...
intCharToStrip = intCharToStrip - (3 - len(arrIP(1)))

Dim StripedIP : StripedIP = ""
If len(strIP) > intCharToStrip Then StripedIP = Right(strIP,(len(Trim(strIP)) - intCharToStrip ))
Posted by: Meic 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
Thanks to you both for your excellent replies. Sorry I hadn't acknolwledge you replies any sooner - I must have had to move onto other tasks at the time.
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