
Types of Assemblies

    I thought Assemblies are only related to Dotnet framework.But in general they aren't limited to this.

Can anyone tell how many types of assemblies are there.
And also what is the difference between Win32 and .NET Framework assemblies.

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  • In some link, it was shown that all Win32 assemblies along with theor manifest files will go to c:\windows\winsxs if they are shared libraries.But I can see only dll files there but not manifest files. - ur00361883 8 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: Pressanykey 8 years ago
Red Belt
not being an "real" expert on the matter I can only say this:
1. .NET Assemblies
    a "Pure" .NET (i.e. C# / VB.net). Basically IL
    b "Managed / Mixed". Contain both C#/VB .NET and "managed" c++
2. "Native" Assemblies
    Anything that is not the above (C/C++/Delphi/Old Skool VB)

AFAIK Assemblies (nowadays) are used to described any file that contains executable code, not just dll's.
@Any Flamers, assemblies can be stored anywhere, not just in the GAC or SXS, therefore this is not a criteria IMHO that "defines" an Assembly.

As far as manifests go, they have existed since XP, and can either be internal (i.e. as part of the resources within the file) or external. Normally, "internal" manifests always win, unless you set the GPO that external manifests have priority. As this is a global setting it has security implications...

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