
Unable to run Installshield setup in silent mode(Sometimes Reboot required,Sometimes not)

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I am facing a strange issue with an installshield exe.
After installation, sometimes this application requires a reboot,whereas sometimes it doesn't.
I have captured both the scenarios in responses but I am unsure about how to use them to create a single silent install.

I get result code=-3 if reboot occurs and I have used non reboot iss and vice versa. I want my script to work either case.

I am facing similar problem for another application as well and also on uninstallation.

Is there a way I can tweak the iss or some other way I can do this...
I cant capture the application as I am not allowed to use the tools for that project.

The rest of the script is batch that triggers this exe and performs some post configuration.

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • are you getting the different results on the same test machine??? - Badger 10 years ago

Answers (3)

Posted by: EdT 10 years ago
Red Belt
Can we assume that the Installshield EXE is a wrapper for an MSI install?  If so, enable verbose logging and compare the logs from the situation where a reboot is required to the situation where a reboot is not required.  The likelihood is that there is a locked file that the install is trying to update, and a reboot is required to complete this.  If you can identify which file it is, you can check whether this file is held open by a running process and then add some code to kill this running process before the installation commences.
Bottom line is that there is no generic solution and you will need to investigate the cause before a solution can be crafted.

  • Its not an msi wrapper...it is just a legacy app. the log that I get is just reporting -3 or 0 exit code based on iss success or fail. So i am not sure if I can find the file in use. - mohitdangwal 10 years ago
    • There is a free tool called "WhyReboot" use it to see that might shed some light onto your issue. - 786_ak 10 years ago
      • Will give WhyReboot a try if it solves my problem. - mohitdangwal 10 years ago
Posted by: dunnpy 10 years ago
Red Belt
Does an f2 log file shed any light on what is sometimes causing the reboot?
Then, as mentioned above, you can account for it in your script by killing whatever is required and use the same response file.

Alternatively, if the -3 error means that the software is installed correctly, but it's having an issue with the reboot bit -  intercept that exit code and have your script return it as  0 anyway.
Make sure you let any other codes present correctly as a different failure, otherwise troubleshooting installation failures will be problematic.

Then as a precaution reboot after installation in all situations to account for the possible reboot requirement.


  • The f2 log just gives -3, no more information in there and application isn't installed. So I cant take it as a success.
    Like u have suggested, I have already set reboot after install to happen always irrespective of exe asking for it. - mohitdangwal 10 years ago
Posted by: ekgcorp 10 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt
Using ISS files has their own unique error messages... 
for more details - http://www.itninja.com/question/installshield-error-3-and-5-debug
basically -3 means your ISS is missing a step.

You could try and add REBOOT=ReallySuppress to the commandline to see if that gets passed pcs that get the -3 error.

Or you can put your 2 different command lines in a wrapper like WiseScript and If first attempt does not get a 0 Exit Code, then run second setup commandline pointing to the other ISS file.

  • I am using the method u suggested to install the application already of using the iss one after the other to install application successfully. On uninstall however, shortcuts are getting left behind and Add/Remove Programs entry is also left behind while the application files were removed. Still struggling to find a way through it. - mohitdangwal 10 years ago
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