Unable to select a particular CIR for further Reporting when creating a new report via the Wizard
I have a working Online KACE Script that creates a .CSV logfile of the recent WLAN connections SSID name and connection time.
It is then parsed out as a Custom Inventory Rule
ShellCommandTextReturn(powershell -command "if(test-path C:\Logs\RecentWLANConnections.csv) {import-csv C:\Logs\RecentWLANConnections.csv}")
4) CustomInventory.RecentWLANConnections: | SSID TimeCreated ---- ----------- WiFi Name 4/09/2019 10:56:18 AM |
This all works fine with the expected results when looking at Inventory > Devices >Particular Device > Custom Inventory Fields but I am unable to select this particular CIR for further Reporting when creating a new report via the Wizard. All other CIRs are available to be selected in the wizard.
I want to be able to create a report that then takes that specific CIR and filters the data further based on SSID and User.
K1000 v9.1.317
PowerShell Kace Online Script below;
#Application Name
$ApplicationName = "RecentWLANConnections"
#Do Not Change These
$LogFilePath = "C:\Logs\"
$LogFile = "$LogFilePath$ApplicationName.csv"
$OldLogFile = "$LogFilePath$ApplicationName.old.csv"
#Create the log file
#Write-Host "Do not close this window" -foregroundcolor "Yellow"
#Check if path exists
if(-not (test-path $LogFilePath)){
#Create Logs Folder
new-item $LogFilePath -type directory | out-null
#Check if $LogFile exists
if(-not (test-path $LogFile)){
#Create $LogFile
new-item $LogFile -type file | out-null
#Log "Log File Created"
#If $logFile exists then re-name it
#Check if $OldLogFile Exists
if(-not (test-path $OldLogFile)){
rename-item $LogFile $OldLogFile
#Remove the previous $OldLogFile
remove-item $OldLogFile
rename-item $LogFile $OldLogFile
#Create $Logfile
new-item $LogFile -type file | out-null
#Log "Log File Created"
#Log the command we are running
#Function RunCommand ($Command)
#Log $Command
#Display commands to console.
#write-host $Command
#Invoke-Expression -command $Command | out-null #do not show output
#Run the guts of it
#Specify Timeframe to search between
$StartTimestamp = [datetime]'09:00:00'
$EndTimeStamp = [datetime]'15:00:00'
$Filter = {($_.TimeCreated -gt $StartTimestamp) -and ($_.TimeCreated -lt $EndTimeStamp)}
$Events = Get-Winevent -FilterHashtable @{Logname='Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig/Operational';Id=8000} -MaxEvents 10 | Where $Filter
ForEach ($Event in $Events){
$eventXML = [xml]$Event.ToXml()
For ($i=0; $i -lt $eventXML.Event.EventData.Data.Count; $i++){
# Append these as object properties
Add-Member -InputObject $Event -MemberType NoteProperty -Force -Name $eventXML.Event.EventData.Data[$i].name -Value $eventXML.Event.EventData.Data[$i].'#text'
$Data = $Events | Select-Object SSID, TimeCreated | Export-Csv $LogFile
Answers (1)
Could be there is no return so no text to write.
When you run the powershell script on a machine do you get any return?
Use a my sql tool and attach to the kbox. You can see if that field is null or has a blank entry in it ( it may be writing just a empty string to the field when it runs)
Definitely getting returns, Im more just wondering why a CIR wouldnt show up in the Reporting new report wizard.
An example from a Inventoried Device,
SSID TimeCreated
---- -----------
iDET 4/09/2019 12:17:48 PM - ICTS 5 years ago-
Try changing your CIR to
ShellCommandTextReturn(cmd /c powershell -command "if(test-path C:\Logs\RecentWLANConnections.csv) {import-csv C:\Logs\RecentWLANConnections.csv}")
It is weird that it shows in the detail page but not as a wizard field choice. On your wizard report did you use "Device" as topic?
You might also try renaming the CIR software entry name, run inventory a couple of times on a machine to see if that fixes it.
If that does not work I will load this on my kbox as cir and see if it does same thing. - SMal.tmcc 5 years ago-
Thanks SMal.tmcc! That CIR change resolved the issue! I'll have to be more aware of how I call the powershell module in future!
Really appreciate the guidance!
Cheers mate. - ICTS 5 years ago
If your Custom Inventory Rule is NOT populating anything in the Database, the reporting module will not work for this scenario. - Channeler 5 years ago