
Unable to silently deploy Adobe Photoshop Elements 10

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I have followed Adobe's guideline:


But when I create either a online shell script or online kscript, I get nothing.  When I copy my install command and paste it into my test machine, it works.

I have triple checked my application.xml.override file.  I made the appropriate changes to the setup.ini file.  When I run the following on the local system, it works just fine.

Start /wait "\\Server\PhotoshopElements10\Setup.exe" /UL1033 /V"SERIALNUMBER=1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111 COUNTRY=244" 

Has anyone else encounter this issue?  Is it a problem with UNC paths?

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Answers (7)

Answer Summary:
I ended up creating a .bat and running it locally.
Posted by: piyushnasa 12 years ago
Red Belt

Create a .bat file for installation and run that. The server path creates a problem while running.

use below in bat file and place it next to setup.exe

%~dp0setup.exe /UL1033 /V"SERIALNUMBER=1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111 COUNTRY=244"

  • I ended up creating a .bat and running it locally. It installs silently finally, but the country code doesn't seem to take. I can take care of that in the profile though I guess. - tdickert 12 years ago
Posted by: tdickert 12 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt

Looks like usin xcopy to bring the installation directory down to the machine first before running the install command works just fine.  Is this the only way to accomplish this or am I just missing something when trying to use the UNC path?

Posted by: mazessj 12 years ago
Blue Belt

I don't know why you're using the START command, as this is usually unnecessary. However, your syntax is wrong:

Start /wait "\\Server\PhotoshopElements10\Setup.exe" /UL1033 /V"SERIALNUMBER=1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111 COUNTRY=244"

The first parameter wrapped in quotes on the START command line is assumed to be the desired window title. You are specifying "\\Server\PhotoshopElements10\Setup.exe" as the window title when really you want it to be the command to execute. Specify a window title first and then it should be fine. If you don't want to specify a window title, you can specify a null value. For example:

START /W "" "\\Server\PhotoshopElements10\Setup.exe" /UL1033 /V"SERIALNUMBER=1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111 COUNTRY=244"

Anyway, to configure the software the way you want, you should try Adobe Application Manager Enterprise Edition, which is a tool for rebundling Adobe products for enterprise deployment. In there, you can specify EULA suppression, SERIAL #, default language, etc.


Edit: Sorry for the lousy formatting. This website is not user friendly.

  • Josh you are the man...What the start command does is allows the resources of the local machine to be invoked to run the exe off the server.

    Using the following syntax in front of what you all had makes batch file the the Kace agent can deploy.
    %systemroot%\SysWow64\start /W "" "\\Server\PhotoshopElements10\Setup.exe" /UL1033 /V"SERIALNUMBER=1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111 COUNTRY=244"

    The application installers that I could find would only work with the full blown CS suites.

    The same %systemroot%/SysWow64/ path is can be used to have the local msi call the one created by application installer. - jonnorris 12 years ago
Posted by: philologist 12 years ago
Red Belt

I would honestly install this as a managed install rather than a script.

That said, make sure you are running it as an appropriate user.  I haven't had issues with UNC paths, but you have to be able to access the UNC path with the user the KACE is running under.  You may also want to make sure you don't need a space between /V and "SERIALNUMBER= rather than it just being a typo in your post.

Posted by: alphabeta 12 years ago
Black Belt

We have Photoshop Elements 8.0 and once we had created the application.xml.override file, we deploy it out with a slightly modified msi through Group Policy. Not sure if the MSI is still available in version 10 but I would presume it is. Would that be an option for you?

Posted by: jonnorris 12 years ago
Orange Belt

Josh, Good eye on the syntax.  What I think the start command should  do is allow you to use this local command to call the exe from the servers. At least that's the way it worked with the msi's

%systemroot%/SysWow64/START /W "" "\\Server\PhotoshopElements10\Setup.exe" /UL1033 /V"SERIALNUMBER=1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111 COUNTRY=244"

The  msi 's built by Adobe's application installers create msi's can be run in this same fashion.

I tried running this command a domain admin, and still am not feeling any love. 

The event log says something about software protection service

Just save the command line as a batch file inside the Kace applicaiton and you have  script that will run silently.

Posted by: jonnorris 12 years ago
Orange Belt

This bat file will run from the server, but not when run a script in Kace.  Suggestions?

mkdir c:\AdobePremie10

xcopy "\\bisdsan003\kace\Adobe\AdobeXTwins\AdobePremiere10_64bit" c:\AdobePremie10\ /H /E

msiexec.exe /i "\\bisdsan003\kace\Adobe\AdobeXTwins\AdobePremiere10_64bit\AdobePremiereElements10.msi" /passive /UL%1033% /V“SERIALNUMBER=%1143-4009-0868-4550-3378-4286%”% /L*v "c:\premiere.txt"

cd \adobepremie10

start /wait "" "c:\AdobePremie10\OEM.exe" /UL1033 /V"SERIALNUMBER=1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111 Country=244"

del c:AdobePremie10


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