
Uninstall All Java Versions on desktops

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Hi There,

   I am looking for a scripts which do uninstall all java versions without using product ids (GUI).I have seen bunch scripts in internet.That was so complicated and confusing. Please forgive me, if it is repost. Please do the needful.

Thanks alot in advance for your time

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Answers (2)

Posted by: jagadeish 9 years ago
Red Belt
When you uninstall JRE from the production machines, you have to be very careful..

You should not forcefully kill Java.exe or Java*.exe from the task manager at the time of uninstalling the previous version. There will be many JRE based applications running in the production environment including Private & Public JREs..

Most of the finance related tools will runs Java.exe in the background..

If your script kills Jave.exe or Java*.exe processes forcefully when some business critical applications (JRE Based) are running on the user's machine then you are out..

Posted by: rockhead44 9 years ago
Red Belt
Peruse this thread. It has a lot of options. Personally, I have the individual uninstall strings in a batch file and it works beautifully. 


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