
Uninstall Script for the K1000

Are there any examples on the ITNinja site for uninstalling software using the K1000?  If so please pint me in the right direction.  I'm not exactly 'Mr. Scripting' so having an example I can follow will be very helpful for me.

Thank you.

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • I would recommend that you start with watching the Kace tutorial videos.

    https://support.quest.com/kace-systems-management-appliance/7.1.149/videos - Desktop Jockey 7 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: lan.pham 7 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt
Although not a complete answer for you, if you go to Inventory > Software on your K1000 most Windows titles will help you get started with the commands to uninstall the software title of choice.  For example if I go to the Inventory > Software on my K1000 and search for Google Chrome. Selecting the Chrome version 58, I can see under Uninstall Command: MsiExec.exe /X{E3964939-B22A-35A3-B149-477BD630B3B6} . From there I can just create a script that runs a bat file with contents MsiExec.exe /X{E3964939-B22A-35A3-B149-477BD630B3B6}. That will uninstall Chrome 58. I hope thats helpful.

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