
Uninstalling Websense Cloud Security Endpoint client on Windows machines

Here is how websense says you have to uninstall this product:
Here is a link to the article: http://www.websense.com/content/support/library/web/hosted/admin_guide/endpoint_uninstall_windows_os.aspx
-------------Excert from article-----------
We have a K1000 and we are trying to use the scripting tool to uninstall this across the network
Using the Uninstaller Config Policy Creator I am entering the following in each field:
Directory: SYS
File: msiexec.exe
Parameters:  /uninstall "\\server\servershare\Websense Endpoint.msi" /qb /promptrestart XPSWDPXY=xxxx
Kill Process: 
Delete Directory:
the kill process and delete directory fields are being left blank
Can anybody advise what I might be doing wrong? this is not working for me.

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • FYi:

    I found even after the uninstall of wesense (forcepoint) that you must change back 2 dword values manually.[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]

    these were still set to 0 value after uninstall and i was unable to "save" any input to the proxy settings until i changed these values back to 1 - Cgrinder21 6 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: rileyz 11 years ago
Red Belt

Got no idea how to use KACE, but...

But why dont you run the GUID uninstall string on the target computer from KACE? Better than faffing with a script.

The uninstall string will be the GUID of the MSI. Best way to find this is goto the machine and find the uninstall string in the registry, hopefully it will look like this
msiexec.exe /x {00000409-78E1-11D2-B60F-006097C998E7} /qn

If that is not the case above, find the orginal in the windows installer cache and get the GUID. Read this - DONT MESS WITH THE CACHE!

Once you have worked out the GUID I would recommened using this command so you have logging.
msiexec /x {xxxxetcxxx} /qn /l*v %systemroot%\Logs\BlahUninstall.log

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