
Users missing from service desk of 'list of authorized users'

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I have 300+ users in AD and don't want to import all of them into Kace so they have authenticated user accounts (with email addresses) in order to send/receive email notifications to/from the service desk email.  Is there another way to do this?

As per the service desk admin guide all service desk users must have authenticated user accounts.  We will not be using the user portal...just email notifications as per the 'email on event' settings with in the queue setup. 

Not sure if this can be accomplished in Kace in some way or has to be configured in exchange.  Just don't want to have all the AD users in kace.


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Answers (1)

Posted by: nshah 10 years ago
Red Belt

The KBOX needs to know of every account that would be opening tickets in your service desk. The best way would be to import them in. Depending on how your AD is set up, it might be easy or you might have to build a more robust LDAP filter. You can also schedule the import to happen as well so new accounts are brought into the KBOX nightly,weekly or monthly depending on your turn over. 


KACE has a lot of articles on LDAP filters.





  • Thanks for the quick response! - bnerison 10 years ago

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