
VMWare Player 5 Silent Install

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Does anyone know how to install VMware Player 5 silently. Here is a list of customizations that I would like to perform.

  1. Suppress EULA on first run
  2. Install our License Key
  3. Disable Automatic updates



I have tried VMware-player-5.0.2-1031769.exe /s /v"SERIALNUMBER="XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX" /qn  but it didn't seem to install the key.


I extracted the MSI with ORCA and don't see a SERIALNUMBER Property....

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Answers (1)

Posted by: jaybird283 11 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt


It looks like you can install silently by running the native installer with the /s option.


So, for example.


VMware-player-5.0.2-1031769.exe /s


In order to get the license installed I had to do a registry export from


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\VMware Player\License.Fusion.50.e3.201202 (I assume the last part might vary)


Then Import it to the machine you are deploying to.


So for example regedit /s License.reg


I also found that some global settings can be configured in


"%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\VMware\VMware Player\config.ini"


Again, just make the changes on one machine and copy it to the target machines during install.


I have still not found a way to disable EULA though. It’s not a big issue to leave it though.




Here is the script I am using to install (this has been tested)




@echo off




@echo Installing VMWare Player Silently


@echo This will take a few minutes....


.\VMware-player-5.0.2-1031769.exe /s




@echo Installing License


regedit /s .\License.reg




@echo Configuring Global Settings


xcopy /q /y /z /i .\config.ini "%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\VMware\VMware Player" > Null




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