
What is a simple script to run a batch file in XP install cd

i want to iniciate a myfile.bat, or myfile.cmd while xp install cd is executing.

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • ??? Youy want to somehow intercept the running of the XP installer and run your own script? - anonymous_9363 11 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: Chris.Thomson@Sitel.Com 11 years ago
Yellow Belt

If you are there while it's installing and if you burned the file on the CD...Shift+F10 and then you should be able to run your batch file.

Just keep in mind that either this way, or in the way suggested by dunnpy the system may not have been completely finished installing and default setting may revert items you change with your script.

Posted by: dunnpy 11 years ago
Red Belt

It's not an ideal thing to do for a corporate environment, because application versions change as often as I change my socks - but it is possible to do.

Take a look at this website:http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/web/1/

It's geared more towards home-users who want to automate the setup of their machines,  if you are in a corporate environment then there really are better methods of installing software automatically.

  • I would like to write a basic scrit to run a cmd file at the end of xp setup for home use - byron07 11 years ago
  • The link I've provided has details of how to achieve this using two different methods. - dunnpy 11 years ago

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