What is the use of Power Shell Scripting?
What is the difference between VBscripting and power shell scripting,
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Posted by:
11 years ago
it is a different language.
If you are confident with vbs you may not need PS.
In PS you can run other tools (like WMI) to do their special stuff, which is a bit more complex in VBS.
PS is the Microsoft try to get a /bin/bash under Windows without using non-MS tools (like cygwin)
where can we get the tutorials for Power shell scripting - phanigudivada 11 years ago
of course the best info you can find at Microsoft:
And also a sheet sheet:
http://refcardz.dzone.com/refcardz/windows-powershell - Nico_K 11 years ago -
http://itninja.com/link/learn-powershell - dugullett 11 years ago
"Learn Windows PowerShell in a Month of Lunches" is a good book start with .. Where you can get it ... Google .. :) .. Powershell seems to be taking pace as it is now implemented in app -v 5.0 . - rock_star 11 years ago