What's the best way to stop users from installing Google Chrome in an business environment with the K1000?
I know that google chrome installs to a user's profile without the need for admin priviledges ; my goal is to remove / block the installer from running. Any help that can be offered is appreciated.
Answers (3)
You can't really block the install, but you can do one of a couple of things. A GPO would be better to block the install: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/eu/winserverGP/thread/a7abcfea-8819-4680-9010-d2604a59c9bd
As far as what the KBOX can do:
1. You can use a custom inventory rule in a software inventory item and then a smart label to target a script/MI to uninstall Chrome. Assuming you didn't use the enterprise install the inventory rule for the consumer version would be:
RegistryKeyExists(HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Google Chrome)
Business version: http://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/business/browser/
2. There is also a security policy that can keep programs from running and it might work for this. It's located: Scripting>Security Policy>Disallowed Programs Policy
3. Assuming you can't blacklist the sites, you could change the host file of the system to not resolve google.com/chrome or any of the links to download.
I started by using the security policy blocking Chrome.exe. I eventually found that my users would just change the name to Chrome1.exe. I then ran a script to verify a file existed (Google Chrome) then uninstalled. - dugullett 12 years ago