Error 2721 installing MSI with transform : Custom Action IsServerCore is not found in binary table stream
When I am installing the msi with transform it is giving error 2721 custom action IsServerCore is not found. but the custom action is present in custom action table. how to resolve this please help.
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Posted by:
12 years ago
yeah i have seen these sites.. but they doesn't work out for me - swetha539 12 years ago
Posted by:
12 years ago
If you look at your Custom Action in the CustomAction table, find the value in the 'Source' column and make sure that it exists in the first column of the 'Binary' table.
the source value is there in the binary table but not installing giving same error - swetha539 12 years ago
Does it install without the transform? What type of CA is it? Have you checked that, even though the entry is present in the Binary table, that the stream isn't corrupt? Try extracting the binary stream and check it looks ok and isn't 0kb or something daft. - captain_planet 12 years ago
No it's not installing without transform. it is giving a error 1920 serviceMCAfeeFrameork is not installed doesn't have privelliges to it
that McAfeeFrameork CA is not there in CA table
( I have extracted the binary stream of IsServerCore CA unable read it but it's not any empty 0kb file) - swetha539 12 years ago
Posted by:
12 years ago