Why do labels and smart labels stop working, and become unviewable within inventory tab?
The K1000 appliance has been setup for some time now, and at one point in time several custom SQL scripts were written to create an automatic computer object labeling, which was based on Active Directory information retrieved using a software asset. In addition to this labels and smart labels had been routinely created, and all was working.
Recently, when a label is created and then a smart label, or just a smart label with unique label name, the test for the smart label will work fine and display the desired computer objects. This label and the associated smart label will also appear in the appropriate places under the Home->Label tab. However, they cannot be viewed on the inventory page using any of the available methods. It is as if they do not exist. Additional problems are when a label is created first and then a smart label is being created no labels of any kind will show in the select label pull-down menu. Lastly, the smart label when selected through the Label->Smart Label link does not show any computers in the details, even though it shows them when it is being created.
What can cause these issues?
Have the machines checked in to receive the label you created? They won't show up if its a smart label until the devices check in and see if they met your SQL statement requirements. They also won't show up on the drop down either on the View By section. - nshah 11 years ago
Yes I went ahead and double checked but nothing shows still in View pull-down or even in the computer item information. - jonhook 11 years ago
When you view a computer record that should have the label does it show up in the Labels section? - chucksteel 11 years ago
No the computer information does not show the label exists for the machine. In the Label tab and within smart labels the label shows no computers associated with it. There should be 103, which did show in the test smart label during its creation, but no longer show. The computer inventory is updated for all !000+ computers every 30 minutes. The label still shows nothing. - jonhook 11 years ago
I would double check the smart label syntax, in that case. If the smart label is active and doesn't get applied when you force an update on a machine then there might be a problem with it (even if the test worked). - chucksteel 11 years ago
Should also mention the entire label table has been removed from the Kace appliance. When I create a label and mark it as hardware and save it and then go into smart label to create the smart label the label created does not show in the label pull down menu to select a preexisting label. The smart label syntax cannot be wrong as it is for OS Name and uses contains XP. Different label types have been attempted and nothing shows up in any of the places that they should. - jonhook 11 years ago
I am seeing the same issue. If I create a new smart label it takes a really long time to show up in the inventory drop down filter. Also if I edit an existing smart label it is not updating the master label, which is what the inventory filter seems to use. Is there some sort of synchronization that occurs between the two at some point? - jjvillani 9 years ago
I'm having similar problems. I create smart device labels for our Test, Production, and Linux servers. A few days later, the labels show no device associated. I thought I was going crazy, but I guess i'll open a ticket seeing that others are experiencing the problem. - shiwpam 8 years ago
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