
Why do we use logon scripts?

I am doing a report on logon scripts and need to understand why we use them.

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Answers (6)

Posted by: rileyz 9 years ago
Red Belt
Every time a logon script is run, a kitten is saved from Darth Vader. It's known fact that the Death Star is powered by burning kittens, the most most efficient power source in the universe.

Logon scripts, GPO - it's all personal preference. A long time ago before GPO was here... a very long time ago, we used to use logon scripts to preform the actions we needed on the client machine, as time went on more of this brought into GPOs, you can almost do everything in GPOs now, but there are things you need to action in a script. As previously mentioned, its normally for printers or mapped drives. But it can do other things as well.
Posted by: jfmav 9 years ago
Senior White Belt
the script should  do user settings ... printer, networkdrives, signatures, outlook chachecleans, kbot 40 , gpupdate ...etc
Posted by: Badger 9 years ago
Red Belt

I agree with most of that esp Rileyz

If the log in doesnt do 'it' then you either have to do it, walking around, remote access etc or , you have to try and explain to a user how to do it.

Normally it is map a drive(s) add a printer(s), set EnvVar(s). But there are some very complex ones out there that do lots of things. The sort of things you might argue should NOT be in a login script.

Good luck with unravelling yours

Posted by: alphabeta 9 years ago
Black Belt
Speaking from experience but may not be the best example, we use it within a college example to add our printers to different computers.
Posted by: rockhead44 9 years ago
Red Belt
We have no idea why your organization does this but a most common use is to map drives
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