Why dont I have all the scripting options available?
In an older script task, I can add a step by clicking on "Add..." and I get 19 options of steps including things like "Create a message window..." and "Delete a registry key..."
I just created a new script today and I only have 5 options.
1. Kill a process....
2. Launch a Program...
3. Log a message...
4. Unzip a file...
5. Upload a file.
I was able to duplicate an old task and get these options, but I am wondering why a new script doesn't have all of the options?
Answers (2)
Top Answer
Check what operating system you have selected, if all (Windows,Mac/Linux) is selected the list is restricted. But just select windows and you will see the list expand.
This fixed it. It was set to "All" operating systems, I selected Windows and the list was back to normal. Thank you! - ISEKOLD 3 years ago
check which type of script you are using (Online vs Offline) since some options are only avaiable for special script types