why java.exe is removed from c:\windows\system32 in jre 8?
Answers (1)
Leave it all as it is.
I was going to write a blog about this and changes that Java have made, specifically around the fact that now the java.exe is no longer in the system folder. But you can call java from a CMD because it adds its location, as you have pointed out into the path statement (C:\Programdata\Oracle\Java\javapath).
Are you trying to run a CA during the java install??
If you are you might need to get your timings right. Since the wonderful Java MSI 'isn't', its just a bunch of CAs, you will need to wait until the install has actually finished, then written the change to the Path statement, and then you can call java 'from anywhere'. The reason it works if you copy the java.exe into the System folder is that it is already loaded into the path statement.
actually java is prerequistite of application and during installation ,java is used to execute class files..
and during intallation ,i checked already that path variable is updated with "c:\programdata\Oracle\Java\javapath" in registry ,command prompt and in environment variable.
Is this because of syslinks instead of actual java.exe in above path?? - vivekjazzwal 9 years ago-
so before you do your new install, "java" can be launched from the CMD?? Have you definitely got all the correct arguments for the calling the class files?? back slashes and quotes, as its in a new location now?? - Badger 9 years ago
yes java get launched from cmd...
don't know what is the issue bt got one workaround..im my installer,all class files were placed in supportdir,so i just placed copy of java .exe in same folder into installer..and its worked..!!
others workarounds were if i place java.exe in system32 but its removed in java8 for some reason.So dont want to take risk..
btw thanks for the digging in into my issue..!! :) - vivekjazzwal 9 years ago -
good job on getting it working. - Badger 9 years ago
Has the machine been rebooted after updating the PATH env. variable? If the PATH var is correctly updated, is the new path added to the end of the current path, or to the beginning? Are there any other instances of java.exe in the existing paths? What account is "launchappandwait" running under? - EdT 9 years ago