Windows 10 1903 Captured Image - Apps Disappear after Deployment
I'm having an unusual thing happen with my master gold image for Windows 10 1903. I capture the image with two specific bundled apps (Sticky Notes & Snip & Sketch), but when I deploy the image to a different computer, those bundled apps are not installed. This happened when deploying to a desktop computer yet on a laptop they show up just fine as they were when I captured the image.
Anyone else experiencing this weird situation?
Answers (1)
I figured this one out myself, so I'm posting for the benefit of others. I don't know what's different about 1903 in regards to this behavior as this never happened to me with previous builds.
What I found out is that the computer will not show these apps on the app list from the Start menu when it's not on the domain. If the computer joins the domain then the apps appear as they should in the app list on the Start menu.
Very odd, but at least I know it wasn't a problem on the actual captured image.
Are you using azure AD? were the apps installed with a business account vs personal? - SMal.tmcc 5 years ago
No, we're using local AD and apps are bundled with Windows 10 but I remove them using PowerShell as local admin before sysprep & capturing image. Once image is deployed to new computer then it's joined to the domain. In the past the apps kept on the image will show up in the apps list regardless if the computer was joined to domain or not...this time, for the first time I noticed that they only show when joined to domain vs. when still logged in as local admin before computer is joined to domain. - ACAST 5 years ago
It may be that admin's profile is not being deleted so it is app-less from your PS call. I am running into a problem where I copy the admin account to default but it is not removing the profile properly and causing weirdness like this post sysprep - SMal.tmcc 5 years ago