Windows 10 deployments sit at the "Getting Ready" Screen for an unusual amount of time.
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My Windows 10 deployments sit on the "getting ready" screen for a rather long period of time. The K2 engine appears to be processing tasks as several post install steps have successfully completed once it finally leaves the screen. This issue appears to be benign as it's not actually holding the deployment itself up but the screen will eventually switch to a message that It's taking longer then expected.
I've been able to reduce the amount of time this screen is visible by having one of the first few post-install tasks initiate a reboot. This doesn't appear to have any adverse effect.
Is the K2 engine called via registry or is it called via setupcomplete.cmd the first time?
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The KACE Appliance is waiting for Windows and your computer, to finish up the initial setup process, after that... the KACE tools to Install Post install tasks (if any), and then cleanup are actually launched with the Desktop (explorer.exe).
Something inside the Image is doing it, are you deploying to a device with an SSD drive?
Also make sure the Image was sysprepped and is NOT OEM: - Channeler 6 years ago