
Windows 8.1 PRO Deployment

Hi Folks,

I have been trawling the Forum for the reccomended approach to deploy Windows 8.1 to DELL 90xx Desktops and DELL Lattitude E54xx Laptops.

The following has been performed:
1: Uploaded Windows 8.1 PRO Media to KACE 2000 3.6.98680
2: Created Boot Environment with KBE Driver Pack WinPE 5
3: Recached Drivers

I normally create my Master Images in my VSphere environment and progress from there but I am unable to install Windows 8.1

The Preinstallation task sequence is where there seems to be differing opinions with some saying I can do the following:

Others saying Use Create UEFI Partitions ?

I have also seen where some create a USB Key for the BOOT environment..

Has anybody had sucess deploying Windows 8.1 using KACE 2000 and what steps did they take ?


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Answers (4)

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
Red Belt
I am currently doing a scripted win 8.1 Ent 32bit to a Dell Venue 11 Pro (5130-32Bit).

I uploaded the needed drivers to the k2000 (\\ikbox\drivers\kbe_windows_x86) and used the MM and the 8.1 adk to create a boot env.  I uploaded the win 8.1 media from my install DVD.  I then downloaded the bootable USB flash drive image for the 8.1 boot env and created a UEFI boot stick.  Using a 3.0 USB hub I uefi booted the dell tablet to flash drive connected to the hub and it loaded the drivers to activate the dongle plugged into the hub.  I then chose the 8.1 ent scripted install from the menu.

Posted by: nheyne 10 years ago
Red Belt
If you're capturing a UEFI image, then you need to create UEFI partitions and also capture and deploy the boot partition.
What part is failing?
Posted by: Nico_K 10 years ago
Red Belt
normally no big issue.
Where does it fail?
Which error message is provided?
(screenshot if unsure)

Posted by: APIeric 10 years ago
White Belt
With my experience, when you capture an image, you need to capture both the SYSTEM and C: partitions. Then have a create TWO partitions pre-install task, followed by a format C: and D: (these will change post deployment) as NTFS.

  • I have an HP Pavillion, 8.1. I am trying to capture an image. There are 3 drives listed, c:\, d:\ (recovery?) and s:\. I am thinking I should do c: and s: When I capture the image it runs and runs and never completes. The image in KACE shows "Rebuild process is in progress. This configuration is locked."

    Not sure what to do

    Thanks. - jfrasier 10 years ago
    • It finally had this error message - The instruction at 0x201160f4 references memory at 0x00000. The memory could not be read. When I look at the log, 20 seconds after it began it 'failed to connect to the server'. For that very long time it was showing filenames going across the screen. - jfrasier 10 years ago

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