Questions on moving from Wise to InstallShield
Just a question on transition from wise to InstallShield. When you look @ the setup Editor/Component view in wise all the components that are missing a key path are highlighted in red. It makes it easier to fix broken components. Is there a way to have the same view in InstallShield?
I also notices that shortcuts created with repackager are not advertised and i have to recreate them manually. Is there a setting in IS to change that?
Thank you.
Answers (2)
Regarding KeyPath-
You can verify the same in Component table in Direct Editor under KeyPath column..
To create Advertised Shortcut-
Yes for “Advertised” to make an advertised shortcut in Shortcut section..
Dont you have to recreate a shortcut instead of just changing Advertised to yes?
I think in the Component table you are not able to see what file belong to specific component. When i click on the KeyPath on the Component in the Component table it gives me all available files and not just the ones from this Component. - ogeccut 12 years ago -
The Options.ini file is created by Repackager and is used during the conversion of Repackager output into an
InstallShield Editor project (.ism). It includes basic project settings which are required by Repackager.
In Options.ini file, under [General] section, the value of 'UseAdvertisedShortcuts' should be 'Y'
- It means that, create advertised shortcuts where applicable. - jagadeish 12 years ago -
You can find this Options.ini file in AdminStudio Installation
Directory\Repackager folder - jagadeish 12 years ago -
MultiUserShortcuts=Y, When this option is set to Y, non-advertised shortcuts will work for all
users on the target system. This will generate ICE43 warnings when
validation is run. If you know the installation is for a single-user
environment, change this option to N to avoid these warnings.
This option is set to Y by default. - jagadeish 12 years ago
Unfortunately WISE handled the keypath missing and any component error very nicely as you mentioned. But Installshield does not have any such functionality.
You can and should use ICE errors for any MSI you create and it will tell you the errors if you do not want to go and check it in Component Table. If there is any other error in the component then you can get it in ICE report as well.
Jagadeish has already explained very nicely about Advertised shortcuts. Use that.