XML to Binary in ISM
I have a ISM in binary format. I have changed that to XML format.
Made some changes in the ISM using XML format. Now i want open the ISM using Binary format. But this is not working.
Could you please advice if the XML format of the ISM can be changed to Binary format of the ISM.
Thanks in advance.
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Posted by:
11 years ago
Why can't you change the format back to Binary.. it's just the ISM.
This should not be a problem...
Thank you...... but i have saved the ISM file using XML format..... Now want that filt to be opened in Binary format, it is not doing it..... I need your help to open this back in binary format.... - virtualize 11 years ago
strange...if you use AdminStudio (Installshield) this should not have happened.
What were the changes you've made during the XML mode...? - jaybee96 11 years ago