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Views: 3.8k  |  Created: 06/13/2013 by: BW~Merlin

Average Rating: 0
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Deployment Tips (1)

Most Common Setup Type
Windows Installer (Delivered as an EXE)
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 0 / 5 (Not Rated) based on 0 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Vendor Provided Command Line (answer file driven)

The instructions for installing Acoustica Mixcraft 6 are contained in a PDF on the CD.  If I could upload it I would but I will just copy and paste it for now.


 echo off

:: Get ADMIN Privs
mkdir "%windir%\BatchGotAdmin"
if '%errorlevel%' == '0' (
rmdir "%windir%\BatchGotAdmin" & goto gotAdmin
) else ( goto UACPrompt )

echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
echo UAC.ShellExecute %0, "", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"

exit /B

if exist "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ( del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" )
:: pushd "%CD%"
::CD /D "%~dp0"
:: End Get ADMIN Privs

pushd "%~dp0"

Acoustica-Mixcraft-6-Installer.exe /S:"%~dp0mixcraft-config.ini" /NOINIT





Unattended Installer PDF

This file will help guide you through the process of performing a multi-computer network
install. The benefits are that you do not have to go through the installer process on every
single computer. Computers will not have to be individually registered and the loop library
can be shared in order to conserve on network space.
1) Double click the file called "mixcraft-config.ini"
2) You will see a number of variables
3) Do not change the name of these variables.
4) Add the appropriate information after the equal sign. For example, if you want to
automatically register all your computers using Mixcraft, enter in the Registration ID
after REG_ID=. If your registration ID was computer@123.com, then the line would
read REG_ID=computer@123.com
5) Variables explained.
(You do not need to change all variables. Just the ones you want.)
This is your registration ID.
This is your registration code.
This is the path of the loop library folder. This can be a UNC file path if it is on a
network. For example, if your loop library was on a machine called "SchoolNet1", in
a shared folder called "MixcraftLoopLibrary", you could then set it up with
If your installer includes the loops and you want it to install the loops to each computer,
set INSTALL_LOOPS=1 . If you are sharing the loops on a network drive. Install the
loops once and then after that, set this to 0 and then make sure to set the
If you want to skip the demo song on each computer, set the SKIP_DEMO_SONG=1
If you want the software to suppress checking for updates automatically, set the
SUPPRESS_UPDATE_CHECKS=1. Also, set DISACT=1 if you use registry restoring
software such as Deep Freeze.
6) Save the new "mixcraft-config.ini" on a network folder.
7) Copy the other file to the same network folder.
8) As an administrator, set each network computer to run the "Install-
Unattended.bat" file on the network. If that is not possible, you should manually run
the "Install-Unattended.bat" on the network location for each computer and/or
> Install-Unattended.bat
> \\share\folder1\folder2\Install-Unattended.bat
where \\share\folder1\folder2\ is the location of the installer on a UNC drive.
We recommend running "Acoustica-Mixcraft-6-Installer.exe" once to install the
loop library on a network drive if desired. Once the library is at a location on the network,
install all computers to reference that library location by setting the variable
LOOP_LIBRARY_FOLDER to the net location.
(Use a UNC naming convention in case drives are not mapped to a drive letter, etc.)
Troubleshooting Section
Here are some things to try if it things are not working.
• Make sure all files are in the same folder. This will include the following:
• Install-Unattended.bat
• mixcraft-config.ini
• Acoustica-Mixcraft-6-Installer.exe
• If Mixcraft is not being registered on your computer, make sure that you set the proper
REG_ID and REG_CODE variables in "mixcraft-config.ini"
• Make sure to to put quotes “ around paths that have spaces in them. For example, if
you were installing from an UNC folder called \\cool school server\mixcraft 6\, you
would invoke the batch file with “\\cool school server\mixcraft 6\Install-Unattended.bat”
If you are still having problems, please contact support@acoustica.com and let us know that
you are attempting to do a network install to multiple computers.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: Windows Installer (Delivered as an EXE)
Deployment Method Used: Vendor Provided Command Line (answer file driven)
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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