
Acro Software CutePDF Writer

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Views: 31k  |  Created: 09/11/2013 by: mattski

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Deployment Tips (3)

Most Common Setup Type
Windows Installer (Delivered as an EXE)
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 4 / 5 (Somewhat Difficult) based on 2 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Vendor Provided Command Line (switch driven)
Command Line

This is a tip for deploying through MDT.

I tried creating a batch file and then have an application run the script.  It would bring back an error every time.  I decided to create an Application bundle instead.

Since cutepdf requires Ghostscript converter first create an app with install command setup.exe /s

Make sure the GPLGS folder is included

Then create an app for CutePDF: cutewriter.exe /verysilent /no3d

Then create an application bundle with ghostscript and CutePDF. Make sure ghostscript is installed first 


Setup Information:
Setup Type: Windows Installer (Delivered as an EXE)
Deployment Method Used: Vendor Provided Command Line (switch driven)
Deployment Difficulty: Somewhat Easy
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
Install CutePDF Writer 3.1 silently

1. Download CuteWriter.exe from (http://www.cutepdf.com/)
2. Run the command prompt as administrator
3. Change directory to the correct location where CuteWriter.exe resides.
    ex: If installer is located on desktop: type cd C:\users\username\desktop

Unfortunately, from what I have been reading, CutePDF does not have a silent uninstall command. However, if your situation includes updating CutePDF to the newest version 3.1 for an entire organization, you do not need to remove the old version on each machine first. You can just silently run this installation and it will override the old version, replacing it with the writer 3.1
Setup Information:
Setup Type: Windows Installer (Delivered as an EXE)
Deployment Method Used: Windows Installer Command Line (No MST)
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

download CutePDF Writer 3.0 from URL (http://www.cutepdf.com‎)

just get the two files: converter.exe & cutewriter.exe


Rename converter.exe to converter.zip and extract the files (setup.exe & GPLGS folder)

Place cutewriter.exe, setup.exe & GPLGS items all in one folder including the batch file shown below. 


create installer batch file:


@Echo off

"%~dp0\setup.exe" /s

"%~dp0\cutewriter.exe" /verysilent /no3d


Save the batch file and run from your deployment tool.

NOTE: /no3d = this skips the 3rd party software install



create uninstaller vbs script:


Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Set fShell = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

oShell.Run """%ProgramFiles%\Acro Software\CutePDF Writer\uninscpw.exe"" -s"

WScript.Sleep 1000

oShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}"

WScript.Sleep 10000

oShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}"

WScript.Sleep 5000

strCom = "taskkill /F /IM uninscpw.exe"

oShell.Run strCom, 0, True

fshell.DeleteFolder "C:\Program Files\GPLGS",True

fshell.DeleteFolder "C:\Program Files\Acro Software",True

fshell.DeleteFolder "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\CutePDF",True

fshell.DeleteFolder "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\CutePDF",True


Save as a.vbs and run in the deployment tool with this command: cscript.exe //B <name of above file>.vbs

NOTE: Even though the uninstaller has the -s switch it still prompts you if you really want to uninstall the app. That is why I wrote the sendkey part to click "Yes" and to click "OK" using the ENTER key.

The taskkill part was also added as in Windows7 the uninstaller was still running in the taskmanager as a process.

The delete folder/file section had to be added as the uninstaller left these folders too! Not a well written uninstaller, I'm afraid! ;)



Setup Information:
Setup Type: Legacy Setup with command line support
Deployment Method Used: Vendor Provided Command Line (switch driven)
Deployment Difficulty: Very Difficult
Platform(s): Windows
  • CutePDF 3 does NOT support silent uninstall. What you posted is for CutePDF 2.
    http://superuser.com/a/581103/149000 - AgentRev 7 years ago

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