
American Power Conversion Corp PowerChute Business Edition

Version: 7

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Deployment Tips (1)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 0 / 5 (Not Rated) based on 0 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Not Determined
Taken from the PowerChute Business Edition : Getting Started v.7.0.4 (Online Guide)

Silent Installation of a Windows Agent
This feature is only available with the Deluxe version of PowerChute Business Edition.
With a normal, non-silent installation it is usually necessary to respond to prompts during
the installation. Silent installations do not prompt for input because they already have the
Step 1: Creating a Silent Installation Answer File
1. Remove all components of PowerChute from your working computer.
2. Copy the bin\agent folder from the PowerChute CD to a local folder such as
3. Launch a command prompt by selecting the Windows Start button and then Run,
and typing command in the box. Click OK.
4. Make sure that a UPS is attached to the machine.
5. At the command prompt, type
<agent path>setup.exe -r
e.g. C:\agent\setup.exe -r
-r records the answers you provide during the installation process.
During the installation, select the option to have PowerChute automatically detect
the UPS. Then, during the silent installations, the UPS will be detected even if it is
on a different port.
6. The installation creates a file named setup.iss (usually in the \System32 folder
under your \Windows folder). Search to find it, if necessary. Copy it to the agent
folder you created in step 2 above.
Step 2: Performing a Silent Installation
The silent installation uses the answer file you created in the previous section.
1. Copy the entire agent folder (containing the setup.iss file) to the computer where
the silent installation is to be performed.
Alternatively, you could copy the folder to a network drive and map to that drive
from each installation computer. See an example involving a mapped drive W:
below in step 3.
2. Launch a command prompt by selecting the Windows Start button and then Run,
and typing command in the box. Click OK.
3. At the command prompt, type
<agent path>setup.exe -s
e.g. C:\agent\setup.exe -s
e.g. W:\agent\setup.exe -s
where w is a mapped network drive
You can also use the -m argument to log the results in an SMS file whose name
is status.mif.
e.g. C:\agent\setup.exe -s -m
To determine when the silent installation has completed, leave the command
prompt window open until the prompt displays again (e.g. C:\agent>). It might
take several minutes.
4. Close the command prompt window.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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