
Appligent Redax Plug-in

Version: 4

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Views: 3.8k  |  Created: 01/08/2011

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Deployment Tips (3)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 4 / 5 (Somewhat Difficult) based on 1 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Vendor Provided Command Line (answer file driven)
The following procedure prepares for distribution in a standard 'user' Windows XP environment

- copy the Acrobat4 dir from CDROM to HDD (e.g. c:\temp)
- open cmd prompt
- cd to c:\temp\acrobat4
- execute 'setup -r'
- Choose setup language-> OK
- Select country: <your country> -> Next
- Click: Accept
- Adobe Acrobat 4.05 setup: select 'Custom' -> Next
- Accept default settings -> Next
- Selecteer A Business
- Enter comapny info. Fill fields with '-' that you won't fill
- Serial Number: <your serial number>
- Click Next
- Accept license: Yes
- Click Next to install
- Adobe Registration: click 'Next'
- Select Continent -> Next
- Give in some dummy info
- Preferred contact method: 'Mail'
- Click Next
- Page 2: fill with dummy info
- Click Next
- Click Next
- Click 'Print reg form via mail;
- Click OK
- Click 'Complete'
- Click OK
- Place answerfile c:\windows\setup.iss in c:\temp\Acrobat4- Test your installation by running 'setup.exe -s -f2c:\temp\acrobat4.log'
- If everything works, place your filetree at your distribution location.
- Installation script may look something like this:
REM Install Acrobat 4.05 Enlish version
cmd /c mkdir c:\windows\temp\acrobat4
cmd /c xcopy "\\server\share\Acrobat4" "c:\windows\temp\acrobat4" /Y /E /Q
cmd /c c:\windows\temp\acrobat4\setup.exe -s -f2%SYSTEMROOT%\TEMP\Acrobat4.log
cmd /c rd /s /q c:\windows\temp\acrobat4cmd /c rd /s /q "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Menu Start\Programma's\Adobe Acrobat 4.0"
cmd /c del "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Bureaublad\Adobe Acrobat 4.0.lnk"
cmd /c md "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Color"
cmd /c gpupdate /Force /Target:Computer

- To have Acrobat integrate with Office, you should install Office before you install Acrobat.

- File System Policies:
'Modify' for users for 'This folder, Subfolders and Files':
+ %ProgramFiles%\Adobe\Acrobat 4.0\Distillr
+ %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Adobe\Color
+ %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Adobe\TypeSpt

- Registry policies:
User need at least the following rights for 'This key and subkeys': query value, set value, create subkey, delete:
+ MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Acrobat Distiller\4.0
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Repackaging Acrobat 4 into Windows Installer (.msi) format:

I had previously attempted to repackage Acrobat 4.x - without success - using Wise Package Studio 3.2, InstallShield Admin Studio 5, or WinInstall 7.5. Using these, I was never able to get the PDF Writer and Distiller printers to be correctly installed and fully functional, as well as the “generate pdf” icon from within Word. I have only had success getting these things to work using Wise Package Studio 5.1.


1. Because of the fickle nature of Acrobat, I used “Search Requirements” of Wise Package Studio to limit the installation to Windows 2000 OS - which is the OS on which I performed the capture.

2. I diverted from using a completely clean machine for this capture. Prior to capture, I installed Office 2000 w/sp3 and all hotfixes. Again, because of the fickle nature of Acrobat, I targeted this installation only for machines that have Office 2000.

3. Using WPS 5.1, I used Snapshot in conjunction with SmartMonitor to capture changes.

4. I modified the Setup Capture Configuration in WPS to capture changes to changes in hardware registry entries.

5. When installing Acrobat 4, there is the option to install the Distiller printer. This option requires a PostScript printer to already exist on the target system. For our environment, HPLJ8000Â’s are common. Therefore, I made the install of an HPLJ8000 PS printer driver to LPT1 part of the capture and package.

6. I installed Acrobat 4.0.5, ran it once, installed the “4.0.5 update 2”, rebooted, ran Acrobat once more, then ended the installation capture.

7. I examined the capture line by line, removing obvious, un-necessary entries.

8. The WPS compile of the .msi produced 4 errors. Three temp files whose names began with "rtb" were generated in various directories in C:\program files\Adobe\Acrobat 4.0\Acrobat. They had sizes of 0, had entries in the .msiÂ’s Tables, and appeared to be temp files of some sort. I removed the rows that referred to these files.

9.A post script printer file named HP8000_7.PPD (at c:\winnt\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3) is installed as a part of the PostScript install mentioned above. However, the entry in the .msi’s Tables mis-reported the file’s size at “0”. I found it was safe to eliminate that row in the table, but left the file as part of the package.

10. I originally had set the .msi to force a reboot after installation, but I ran into a timing issue. The programs folder for Adobe was not being created before the reboot executed, and was not present after the reboot. A repair of the .msi after the initial install created it, but I elected to just “advise” of the need for the reboot.

As stated above, this process was successful in creating a package for a Windows 2000 OS with Office 2000 sp3 installed.

Craig --<>.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Repackaging Acrobat 4 into Windows Installer (.msi) format:

I had previously attempted to repackage Acrobat 4.x - without success - using Wise Package Studio 3.2, InstallShield Admin Studio 5, or WinInstall 7.5. Using these, I was never able to get the PDF Writer and Distiller printers to be correctly installed and fully functional, as well as the “generate pdf” icon from within Word. I have only had success getting these things to work using Wise Package Studio 5.1.


1. Because of the fickle nature of Acrobat, I used “Search Requirements” of Wise Package Studio to limit the installation to Windows 2000 OS - which is the OS on which I performed the capture.

2. I diverted from using a completely clean machine for this capture. Prior to capture, I installed Office 2000 w/sp3 and all hotfixes. Again, because of the fickle nature of Acrobat, I targeted this installation only for machines that have Office 2000.

3. Using WPS 5.1, I used Snapshot in conjunction with SmartMonitor to capture changes.

4. I modified the Setup Capture Configuration in WPS to capture changes to changes in hardware registry entries.

5. When installing Acrobat 4, there is the option to install the Distiller printer. This option requires a PostScript printer to already exist on the target system. For our environment, HPLJ8000’s are common. Therefore, I made the install of an HPLJ8000 PS printer driver to LPT1 part of the capture and package.

6. I installed Acrobat 4.0.5, ran it once, installed the “4.0.5 update 2”, rebooted, ran Acrobat once more, then ended the installation capture.

7. I examined the capture line by line, removing obvious, un-necessary entries.

8. The WPS compile of the .msi produced 4 errors. Three temp files whose names began with "rtb" were generated in various directories in C:\program files\Adobe\Acrobat 4.0\Acrobat. They had sizes of 0, had entries in the .msi’s Tables, and appeared to be temp files of some sort. I removed the rows that referred to these files.

9.A post script printer file named HP8000_7.PPD (at c:\winnt\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3) is installed as a part of the PostScript install mentioned above. However, the entry in the .msi’s Tables mis-reported the file’s size at “0”. I found it was safe to eliminate that row in the table, but left the file as part of the package.

10. I originally had set the .msi to force a reboot after installation, but I ran into a timing issue. The programs folder for Adobe was not being created before the reboot executed, and was not present after the reboot. A repair of the .msi after the initial install created it, but I elected to just “advise” of the need for the reboot.

As stated above, this process was successful in creating a package for a Windows 2000 OS with Office 2000 sp3 installed.

Craig --<>.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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Redax Plug-in






C:\Program Files\Appligent\Redax 4.6\Documentation\RedaxReadme.pdf

Uninstall String

MsiExec.exe /X{CDCE4E75-53EF-429F-9C1A-8523724CA35A}

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